
Marinelsie Ruiz
Los boricuas siguen yendose de la isla!! ¿Y tú, te quedas o te vas? Exodus from Puerto Rico grows as island struggles to rebound from Hurricane Maria - By #washingtonpost | #PRSeLevantaLento https://b... Ver mas
Waldemar Santiago
Esta es la tercera noticia, en tres periódicos distintos, sobre el rumor!! FEMA to stop distributing emergency food and water to Puerto Rico - By #washingtonpost | #PRSeLevantaLento https://buff.ly/2G... Ver mas
Waldemar Santiago
Que pensarán todos esos americanos que apoyan a Trump: "los boricuas son simplemente inmigrantes" robando el poco trabajo que queda!! | How Puerto Ricans fit into an increasingly anti-immigrant U.S. -... Ver mas
Waldemar Santiago
U.S. companies see opportunity in exodus from storm-ravaged Puerto Rico - By #washingtonpost | #BoricuasEnLaLuna https://buff.ly/2AFsN3p
Waldemar Santiago
"President Trump awarded himself a 10 out of 10 score two months ago for his response to Hurricane Maria" | The cameras go off, and then comes the collapse - By #washingtonpost | #PuertoRicoSeLevanta ... Ver mas
Waldemar Santiago
Esta presentación está extraordinaria! | Sin Luz! Life without power in Puerto Rico — and no end in sight - By #washingtonpost | #PuertoRicoSeLevanta https://buff.ly/2BeKiwu
Waldemar Santiago
Puerto Ricans are hardly U.S. citizens. They are colonial subjects. - By #washingtonpost | #Status https://buff.ly/2Bx3uCl
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